10 Things I learned As A Group Exercise Instructor
- If I have to teach class when I'm tired, I'll make the workout just a little harder than usual. I figure, if I'm tired everyone should be tired too. Misery loves company. I'm just being honest.
- Never ask your students to do something you can't do or you aren't willing to do.
- Whenever you lose count during an exercise, just say "two more."
- Women are easier to train then men because they listen better.
- Don't use titles and knowledge as a show of superiority.
- Students teach the instructor as much as the instructor teaches the students.
- Knowledge is useless, if you can't apply it.
- If instructing is just a job for you and not a passion, find another occupation.
- If the class looks lost don't continue without addressing the confusion.
- Don't give advice or instruction beyond your qualifications.
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